Saturday 12 September 2009

dog reacts to sonic boom as Space Shuttle lands

Here's a video clip of a dog resting on the lawn, not expecting a loud sonic boom from re-entry of the Space Shuttle on September 11. I foundthe link to the clip on Boing Boing.


  1. The dog wasn't totally relaxed, you could see the eyebrows going, wondering what on earth was interesting enough to be photographing.

  2. Awwww the poor dog got a fright. The Leuradales would be terrified by that noise.

    D x

  3. Heya! Big Pupi here~

    Those white bones in the tornado are SUPER slippery!!! I've discovered that if I lick them them and pop a side up then immediately smack it with my paw I can knock them out and send them flying across the room. Then I get so mad at them I fetch the bone back and try to chew it to bits. It's kind of a poor design but boy did it make my brain work!

    Tying rope to the holes is a really good idea! Maybe mom will do that for Stanislaw, although he doesn't have the patience to figure the puzzle out WITHOUT the bones!

    Big Pupi

  4. Hi Penny - you know, we're not sure if we've mentioned this (which is very lax of us if we haven't!) but we LOVE your blog! We love how you always have such interesting little snippets like this on it, amongst all the great stuff about you! This little vidoe is brilliant - we would never have come across it if it wasn't for your blog. We're huge fans - we're very glad we found you in the blogosphere! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

  5. That's pretty much the way I react to a sonic boom.

  6. Poor doggie! That would have scared us half to death too!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  7. Maggie and Mitch, it sure sounded sharp and loud.

  8. Sue, thanks for the comment. I was surprised when I followed your comment back to your site, to realise you have that interesting other blog , as well as the one I usually read!

  9. Mary, I thought the same thing. I know Penny doesn't like having a camera pointed at her, so I guess that dog might be the same.

  10. JD and Max, I can return the compliment by saying I have your blog in my Google Reader and read all your posts and enjoy them, but I only comment sometimes, mainly because I run out of time, lol.

  11. Big Pupi, it 's interesting to hear that you too have trouble with the plastic bones in the Tornado. Penny doesn't use her paws much, so I guess maybe I should take some of the bits of rope out of the bones and make her use her paws like you do. I might do half-and -half.

  12. Noah, perhaps we should be glad that we're on the other side of the planet and won't be hearing those sonic booms, lol.

  13. Wow, that was a big boom!!! Never heard a sonic boom before, but the booms from the fireworks nearby are pretty loud. Oddly enough, don't bother me at all. It's that darn tornado siren test every week that gets me :)

  14. Wow! A tornado siren! That sounds like a good idea.

    We used to have sirens to announce fire warnings, but people complained about the noise, so they discontinued them.

    Now, after the horrible death toll last February, they're thinking of reinstating them.
