Saturday 12 September 2009

old dog plays gently with puppy

The Other End of the Leash has a beautiful video clip of an older dog restraining itself to gently play tug with a puppy. Even more interestingly, the older dog tells the young one when it's time to stop the game.


  1. That's a very sweet clip. I've seen my older dogs playing so gently with the puppies. They teach each other the rules of the house, too.

  2. It was a very clear signal that play time is over.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Slavenka, I was surprised at how easy it was to read doggy language. It was most interesting to see that the puppy ignored the first, subtle signal, but obeyed immediately the second, clearer one.

  5. Sue, it must be wonderful to see dogs living together. Penny was our first-ever dog, so we thought we would only be able to cope with one, and that has been a wonderful experience, but, still, living with a pair or a group of dogs must be very special.
