Sunday 21 March 2010

Penny goes to a fun activities class

After attending classes for five years in Lilydale with Cindy, as part of K9 Kompany, and loving every minute, I was disappointed when that company closed down. But, at last, Cindy has set up her own classes!

Last Tuesday we arrived at the new location. It is just near the old place, but in the open and on grass, under lights. And Cindy had organised lovely new equipment. I could only get a few photos, because it was under artificial lighting and the flash on my little digital camera didn't reach far.

I took some video clips with the little digital camera because I was so thrilled about the sessions beginning, but it was nighttime and the camera didn't really cope with the artificial light.

Here is one clip, dark and blurry, but I'd love to share my excitement, so please forgive me for the terrible standard of videos.


  1. What fun for the both of you! We hope you get to attend many more sessions!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. Thanks, Maggie and Mitch. I hope so too!

  3. Cool and I guess it's okay the place closed down since you still have your trainer.

  4. It looks like a flickering, old, archival movie. Penny's tail is wagging, so she doesn't care about the lighting. Hope you don't freeze when the weather cools down.

  5. Twink, you are right. It's not the training venue that matters, or how good the equipment is, but how skilled the trainer is. But I'm sure glad it's nearly at the same place and I love the new equipment she's invested in.

  6. Mary, you should see the videos I DIDN'T post! They are even more like something out of the end of the nineteenth century. (Did they have movies then? I think they did.)

  7. Oh, I'm so happy that your classes are back!! I know how sad you were when they stopped - good training classes are like gold dust!

    Looking forward to hearing more about them!

    (and yes - hate it when things are at night - so many great shots that are completely lost!)


  8. Yeah, Honey. Good classes are so precious!
