Thursday 3 February 2011

a muddy river and a limping dog

Yesterday Penny and her humans went for a walk to Yarra Bend Park, the dog-friendly place where she can walk off-lead. To our surprise, the Yarra was at the lowest we have ever seen it. (Later we discovered the weir at Dight's Falls has been taken apart for repair, which has left the river at what our informant said is its natural level.)

The low level of the water had revealed an interesting object.

But Penny was more interested in the water than what was on the bank, so she went for a swim.

As we strolled back along the path, Penny hastened to a boat ramp that leads down to the water. We don't usually swim there, even though it's an off-lead park, because there's a strange sign that seems to indicate that in this spot dogs should be on lead. (Very strange) Penny jumped off the ramp edge, which is usually under water, and couldn't get back up, because she was stuck in the soft mud.

With our physio's advice 'no scrambling from now on' in our minds, we raced down to try to lift her onto the edge of the ramp, to no avail. Eventually we managed to direct her around the side of the ramp where she could scramble up onto dry land.

We didn't worry too much until later in the day, when she hobbled across the kitchen on three legs, her left leg held off the floor. Oh no! The lovely extracapsular surgery - had it been ruined?

The vet nurse was reassuring when we rang for advice, saying that even though it's common to have a setback, the surgery is strong - but we made an appointment for today.

And then gave Penny some tender loving care - an ice pack on the joint, ten minutes at a time, and hand-feeding of nice little carrot tidbits.

During the rest of the evening, we gave her lots of massages to the leg, as the physio had done during the recovery from surgery.

This morning the vet said she has probably strained the leg, but she seems okay. She's not limping, but we didn't exercise at all today.

Here's hoping!


curator said...

Best of luck, o-so-ambitious Penny! Don't make your mom worry like that!

Jess the Dog Shopper said...

Oh no, Penny!! Sounds like it's time for some indoor games. Cassie and Lilly (who also has a limping problem) send you lots of doggie kisses!

Duke said...

Oh no! We're sending you lots of AireZen, Penny. We hope you recover quickly!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two Pitties in the City said...

I do love to see her swimming. I am glad she is feeling better.

parlance said...

Curator, I think it's a dog's job to make humans worry - and to make them feel good at the same time, a very tricky job.

parlance said...

Jess, thanks for the good wishes. I hope Lilly's leg stays well.

parlance said...

Maggie and Mitch, I think I felt the AireZen winging its way through the cosmos yesterday evening.

parlance said...

Two Pitties, she does seem fine today, but we are only walking a few minutes at a time. (It's awfully hot and humid, anyway, so it's a good day to rest.)

Oscar the Maltese said...

Oh Penny! I haven visited in a while and look what you go and do! You do get yourself in some sticky situations. You're very lucky your humans are so dedicated. I think I should start asking for massages to. Maybe if I pretend to have a limp...

We're continuing to hope for your full recovery.

Love, Oscar and the gang

parlance said...

Oskar, she seems to me a lot better today! Thanks for the visit.

Slavenka said...

A happy ending is the best ending.

parlance said...

Slavenka, you are so righty!

Unknown said...

Oh no - poor Penny!! THat was a difficult situation, though - how else was she going to get out? But I'm glad to hear that it's probably only a strain and won't affect the overall result of the surgery! I'm sure Penny enjoyed the extra TLC! :-)


parlance said...

Penny loves attention, Hsin-Yi! And her leg seems to be fine, though of course dogs are so good at hiding pain.

Johann The Dog said...

Oh no!!! Dang injuries, hope she's doing better!