Tuesday 12 April 2011

Penny and the feather duster

Penny is continuing to let us know she's tired of the Hills z/d ultra low allergen diet.

Last night we decided to close off the gate from the back patio to the back garden for fear she might dine on the fresh compost I had spread on the vegetable garden. However, in a slight glitch to this clever plan, we actually locked her IN the backyard instead of locking her in the house, and sure enough there was a nice big hole in the compost. It looked about the right size to be a well-rotted (and no doubt, tasty) sweet potato.

And then, when I came home in the afternoon I found...

Penny's neck decorated with a little clump of feathers.

And what looked like a dead bird on the floor.

We were mystified, until we realised it was a feather duster.

Seeing Penny hasn't destroyed or chewed anything in the last five years or so, I think we have to take these behaviours as a sign that it's time to give her an interesting diet.

We'll go to the dermatologist as soon as we can get an appointment.


  1. Poor girl really wants some good food...

  2. haha oh silly Penny! Atleast it wasnt a real bird, I hate when mine bring them in through the doggie door and I come home from work to find a gross mess I have to clean :)

  3. Amber-Mae, you are so right!

  4. Hound Girl, I'm glad too that it wasn't a real bird!
