Tuesday 12 April 2011

The rains continue and Penny visits Darebin Parklands

We went down to Darebin Parklands today to see the swollen creek and to enjoy the fresh green growth, such a pleasure after the years of drought.

But of course, as in our famous poem, there are 'droughts and flooding rains', and I realise not everyone may be enjoying the flooding we are experiencing at the moment. Today the water was up over the path even early in the morning, and we had to retrace our steps, instead of making a circuit of the park.

Because of the lack of access to our usual route, we didn't go to the off-lead area, so Penny walked on lead for an hour, usually a annoying time for us, as she likes to surge ahead.

However, today was different, because Cindy told me about the Sporn Mesh Non-pull Harness - and it works! I bought one at Coldstream Animal Aid and slipped it over Penny's head as I was shown, and she doesn't pull now. It's just amazing. As you can see from these photos, the lead is quite loose - well, most of the time!


  1. wow that looks like fun, thats so cool you have areas like that!

  2. Hound Girl, we do know how lucky we are to have this wonderful space. It's all thanks to some far-sighted people who saw the potential of what was at the time a smelly landfill.

  3. What a beautiful spot for a walk even though it is pretty saturated at the moment! Mom is going to check out the sporn harness link. There are days when Mitch drives her NUTS with his pulling!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. Hi Penny! I"m envious too! That looks like a great place to walk...although my God, it does look like you've had torrential rain!!

    Hey - by the way - have you heard about my new contest yet?! I thought of it because of doggies like you! :-) It's a dancing contest for all newbies - just a fun thing and a chance for all those who've been doing Freestyle for a while now to put together their first routine! So I really hope you'll enter - I'm counting on you! I've seen you dancing so I know you & your human can do some great moves together! Anyway, please do come over to my blog to check out all the details of the contest...and please do enter!!!

    Honey the Great Dane

  5. Maggie and Mitch, the new harness is still working okay for us. Remember, it's the one with the mesh on the chest, not the other one.

  6. Honey, I'm coming over to have a look at the contest. We haven't danced for ages, so it might be a great incentive to try it out again.
