Friday 8 July 2011

a multi-lingual dog toy

Penny has been missing one of her humans, who was travelling in France. But now she's back and Penny's happy to have the pack all together.

You can read about the travels of this human on her own blog, if you wish.

No humans received a gift on her return, but the important family member did. Here's the toy for Penny.

Penny liked it and settled down to enjoy it, and perhaps, clean her teeth on it.

And we could have the pleasure of practising our language skills by trying to read the label!


  1. I bet it is nice to chew on!

  2. Ooooh Penny - I love new toys!!
    How about you?

  3. Stewey, Penny loves to look in her toy box each evening and choose one to have on her mat. She just likes to keep it under her paw for a while.

  4. Amber-Mae, she chewed on it for a while, but has ignored it since! I think her favorite thing to chew on is food...

  5. I'm so glad you got a new toy. Looks like fun. I had a stringy type of a toy once but I totally shredded the strings, mommy was afraid I was eating it -- so, I haven't seen it for a while. I wonder what ever happened to my stringy toy. Oh well. Right now I am liking my new sheep stuffed animal toy that has a squeaker in it.

  6. Lassiter Chase, Penny thinks toys with squeakers are the best kind!
