Thursday 7 July 2011

you never know what's around the corner when walking your dog

We often walk in Yarra Bend Park, because it's an interesting place for both dogs and humans, and has been organised to be very dog-friendly.

A couple of days ago we explored a little further and found the place is even more amazing than we had realised. We crossed a bridge, turned a corner, and found a huge new area.

This photo is taken from our usual side, looking across the creek (in the dip) at the large grassy open spaces of the new area.

Not only were there open places to run, and hills to climb and descend

but also clumps of vegetation with winding paths to explore.

We found ourselves in an area bounded by houses, and a fellow dog walker told us it's a good area to walk in the evening, because the street lighting illuminates the part near the street.

We did have to walk alongside a busy road to get back to our starting point, but that's fine as long as we're careful. And of course, Penny is on lead there.


  1. I like your photo, especially the shadows on the grass.

  2. How exciting. What an adventure finding a new spot! That grassy area looks amazing.

  3. How very inviting that is! I would like to walk there as well - if I lived on your side of the world.

  4. That looks so nice. It makes me wish there were more things like that around Chicago.

  5. How cool! I wish we had these kinds of parks around here. I live in the smallish (well, imagine a country that is a bit over 45 sq/km and has 1,3 inhabitants and think how small is a smallish town :D) "summer capital" of our country and during the summer every park and bush is packed full of tourists who don't always like dogs and it is pretty impossible to avoid them all :D

    Happy discovering!

  6. Jaana, it must be lovely to live in Europe, with all its interest and many cultures, but I can see that it must be more crowded than here in Australia.

  7. Lassiter Chase, we're lucky to have this green grass. We've had a terrible drought for fifteen years, so we are making the most of the lovely grass while we have it.

  8. Curator, if you do ever visit this side of the world, you can tell us you are coming, and walk with us, lol.

  9. Two Pitties, when I read your blog I'm constantly amazed at how you give your dogs such a rich environment and wonderful experiences in the middle of a city.
