Tuesday 30 August 2011

wheelchair for dogs

I received an email today from Dr. James St. Clair, whose booklet about home therapy after cruciate surgery was a wonderful resource when Penny had her cruciate repair.

He included a link to this YouTube clip showing a wheelchair for dogs with crippled hind legs. I was amazed to see the dog running around, climbing down stairs, and even lying down while still in the apparatus.


  1. I am so glad they have a wheelchair for dogs. I am glad people are willing to help dogs make the most out of their lives. My older brother Lucky only had 3 legs. Lucky was a stray dog that my family found on the street. Lucky had 4 legs when they found him, but 1 of his legs had gangrene -- so the SPCA was going to put him down in a few days if his owners didn't claim him. So, Mommy's family paid for the operation to remove Lucky's bad leg and they adopted him. Lucky got around just fine on 3 legs. He adapted fine and was able to do everything normal dogs could do, he climbed stairs and ran around. He was an inspiration to me and my family. Lucky lived with Mommy's family for about 13 or 14 years, he was approximately 3 when they adopted him. So, Lucky lived a long life and made the most out of it. Sometimes people didn't even know he was handicapped. The only time people really figured out he was handicapped was when he went potty outside. He used to do a handstand to go potty. People always thought that was amazing. Thanks for posting your article on the wheelchair for dogs. Mommy is glad people are willing to go out of their way to help dogs.

  2. You would never even know he was handicapped! What an amazing dog! We're so happy for him!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Lassiter Chase, it would be great for people to read about your three-legged brother on your mum's blog. I wonder if she has any old photos she could post?

  4. Maggie and Mitch, I love reading about happy endings like that one.
