Wednesday, 16 May 2012

rescuing a drowning butterfly while walking the dog

While Penny was enjoying one of her walks on The Ninety Mile Beach in Gippsland last week, I spotted something bright at the edge of the water. It seemed to be a dead butterfly but, to my excitement, when I splashed into the waves to lift it gently, it moved.

I carried it up to the sand dunes beyond the reach of high tide and put it on a small flowering plant.

Here's hoping it lived.

A little research on the Net has shown it to be an Imperial White.

How beautiful it is!


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

What a pretty butterfly! I think it looks happy on the flower, you did good.

parlance said...

Lassie and Benjie, at least I gave it a chance to live.

Duke said...

What a beautiful butterfly! We hope she dried off and flew away.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

parlance said...

Mitch and Molly, I looked for her on the way back, but such a featureless beach made it hard to remember the spot.

Flynn said...

Hi there parlance,

I was just wondering whether you could send me an email so that I can get your email to ask you something?

Thanks a lot.

proud womon said...

such beautiful, vibrant colours - you showed compassion where many wouldn't...

parlance said...

Hi, Flynn
I'll come over to your blog to answer that.

parlance said...

proud womon, I try to help and not harm, though it's rather difficult to carry that resolution out, at times.

theregatha said...

fabulous photo Parlance. glad you managed to rescue her

parlance said...

therigatha, it was so surprising to see something bright floating on the little waves. How is that fence-jumping dog going these days?