Saturday 6 April 2013

a dog enjoys the lovely autumn weather

With the mild weather we're having at the moment, Penny took the opportunity yesterday to relax on the swing on the back patio. It's lovely that her limp is gone. Perhaps the four injections of Cartrophen did the trick. Who knows?

We do still put a little table in front of the swing so Penny won't jar her joints jumping from that height, but otherwise she seems to be enjoying life.


Duke said...

You look like you are totally livin' the life, Penny!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Penny, u look comfy on that seat. Pawsome.

proud womon said...

she is so enjoying that dappled sunshine... and yes, we have to make things easier for them as they age - i used to have varying height cushions graduating up onto the couch for my beautiful old friend allie when she was alive which helped her guide her blind old way...

parlance said...

Mitch and Molly, you are so right! It's a real dog's life here.

parlance said...

Lassie and Benji, it is a really comfortable swing, once she's up on it. The little table is a real help.

parlance said...

proud womon, I'm glad you still have your lovely memories of allie.