Wednesday 5 February 2014

walking on a warm but not hot day

Penny and her two humans didn't have to walk at the crack of dawn today, because it's a warm day, not as fiendishly hot as it's been lately.

But a dog still needs to have a drink when she's taking her humans for a brisk walk.

It's best if you can instruct your humans to turn the tap on, so you can drink from running water.

The great thing about this drinking bowl is the hole in the bottom, because once a dog has had her fill, the water empties out along a clever little drain, presumably to be directed to the nearby Yarra River.

We're so lucky that someone had the foresight to create this beautiful bush setting just a few kilometres from the centre of a huge modern city.


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a great place to walk, the water a great idea! Nobody puts fountains in our parks, though I guess it rains so much they probably don't need to.
~Lickies, Ludo

Duke said...

What a cool fountain and what a lovely spot for a walk, Penny!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

parlance said...

Ludo, drinking fountains here are vitally important. I guess we'd be more vigilant about carrying a water bottle if we didn't know there was a fountain in this park.

parlance said...

Mitch and Molly, it's a great park.

Duke said...

Our mom actually used unbleached white flour. All purpose flour is white flour.