Wednesday 13 January 2016

Pretty dry and hot here these days

Penny has her walks at the crack of dawn these days. (Well, we try to get back home before 9 am, which is the time we have to slop some sun protection on the humans.)

Yesterday we went to Rosanna, and walked in the cool of the morning, but it was still nice to have a drink to rehydrate ourselves. I was struck by the difference between the 'landscape' around the tap, where dogs spill water (messy drinkers, all of them!) and the surrounds where the poor soil gets no water.

It's a great example of the difference sufficient water makes to the plants.


Dandy Duke said...

Yikes! We hope you get some rain soon, Penny!

Charliedownunder said...

I go to the beach real early too. It's even too hot for the beach after about 9am and I do so love to run but not when it's HOT.
Water sure makes a difference to plants, aye? I hope it rains soon. Our grass is turning brown too.

parlance said...

Charlie, it's a dry old continent we live on, isn't it? And hot, that's for sure, at this time of year.

parlance said...

Mitch and Molly, the rain will be so welcome when it comes.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Hope u get rain soon.

parlance said...

Lassie and Benji, here's hoping. Some proper rain would be lovely. On the other hand, I do realise that Australia is the driest continent. People like me who live in cities, which as pretty much all on the coast, tend to forget we can't expect much rain.