I haven't felt like blogging last couple of days, because I'm grieving Penny's mate Bonnie. Every Tuesday for years Bonnie has spent the morning with us, and many's the time we walked together when Bonnie was younger. Penny would race around while Bonnie just quietly, slowly explored.

From the first, Penny always deferred to Bonnie, never objecting when Bonnie took Penny's favorite mat.

The time was coming when Bonnie would have been too old, too blind and too deaf to continue to enjoy a fulfilling quality of life, but we didn't expect she would go as a result of that nightmarish possibility that haunts all dog owners - a car accident in her own yard. Bonnie died immediately, so she's at peace. It's the humans who continue to suffer anguish, wishing things could have been different.
But sometimes things just happen and there's nothing we can do about it.
Bonnie lived for three days of the week with Scruffy, the dog
who lost his best mate this year. Now he's lost Bonnie also, so he's going to get lots of loving to help him get over it.
It was sad to see Scruffy lying across Bonnie's body as we tried to prepare her for burial. We gave him some time to realise she was dead and eventually he let us lift her and take her to the grave we had dug, standing beside us as the dirt was softly laid over her.
It was only recently that I took this photo of Bonnie, Scruffy and Penny resting together on a very hot day.

Here's Bonnie as I'll remember her - resting comfortably in our kitchen.

And here are some of my previous posts about Bonnie:
explores Darebin Parklands after welcome rain;
mooching around our garden at her own pace while Penny races around in ecstatic welcome;
quietly asserting her
dominance over Penny, her greatest admirer.
Penny will miss Bonnie too, but given Bonnie's age we would have had to cope with this issue soon anyway. It's the humans who suffer, having experienced the trauma of her sudden death. Penny wasn't there so she doesn't know anything except that Bonnie won't visit any more.
Unfortunately, Scruffy saw the accident, so he's the one we have to care for.