Seeing Penny seemed to be coping well with a longer walk, we headed off to have a close look at it. When we got there, it no longer looked like a bird. It just seemed to be a little pebbled path in the hillside.

I wonder who made the bird, and why. It's obviously maintained well, because the grass hasn't been allowed to invade the gravel lines. A thing of beauty and mystery.
What a gorgeous spot for a walk, Penny!
Love ya lots,
intriguing... natural phenomenon or sacred site perhaps?
what a lovely area for a walk with the beautiful penny...
proud womon, it was made by humans, I feel sure, but I can't find any information about it, so far.
Mitch, we know we are lucky to have a choice of lovely places to walk.
Someone made an effort to make an interesting landscape.
Slavenka, you are right! It would have been quite an effort to make and maintain the bird shape.
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