As the years pass, we relax a little about her fruit collecting, because she seems to just want to have it, rather than eat it. However, the fruit will disappear into the compost bin soon.
Here's today's collection.

The usual crop of bird-pecked plums has been added to with a rat-chewed passionfruit. (Yep, we have rats in the garden, which is playing havoc with my resolution to kill no living creature. Earlier this year Penny did kill one rat, and now that she's recovered from her cruciate surgery, she's out looking for them once more, but I wouldn't really want to see her kill one.)
It's like a modern art collection.
Two Pitties, that's so funny!
We wish we had a plum tree in our yard! yummmmmmmmm
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Maggie and Mitch, you don't really want a plum tree, because I think the stones would be bad for you. (I forget - there are so many plants that are dangerous to dogs. Sigh...)
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